Change is in the air for Janison. If you’ve landed on our new website in recent weeks, or been in touch by email, you’ll have noticed our new look, logos and product names.
We hope you like the fresh appearance and streamlined approach to our products and applications. But this update is about much more than aesthetics. It’s part of a bigger picture of positive transformation at Janison – not least the exciting expansion and improvement of what we continue to offer our clients, existing and ne
Rest assured, we are not changing our products, business process or commitment to our partnerships with our clients. But the focus on our look and feel comes at a turning point for Janison and where we stand in the marketplace.
Continuous improvement
We have evolved from a small software development company in regional Australia, to a world-wide innovator of education technology. And, like the progressiveness and life-long learning for which Janison stands, we believe in continuous improvement. While this spirit is inherent in our products, we knew it was also time to apply it to our brand.
As such, we stand proud with our bold new colours and streamlined logo that reflect the endless possibilities that are achieved through accessible, transformative education.
Here are some of the changes that you’ll come across:
The colours
Confident, bold and bright, our bottle green is a colour that we traditionally associate with education – and yet we noticed that almost no players in the market are using it. It forms the basis of our parent Janison brandmark, and extends to the logos for our Learning and Assessment sub-brands, which each feature brighter greens and blues.
The logos
Janison stands for progression and life-long learning and we wanted a logo that would be a strong symbol of this. The momentum of our new circle logo embodies this holistic, continuous quality of education – but with a twist. The very nature of life-long learning means that you never totally “fill the circle”. This is why you will see a gap in the circle filled with the lighter blue and green of our two sub-brands. This visual motif symbolises the exciting space that exists between what is known and what is yet unknown; the possibilities and the endless reach for knowledge, solutions and new horizons
The product names
We have also created identities for all our applications (Academy, Insights, Replay, Amplify), each backed by their own bold logo, and all geared to enhance the teacher and student user experience. We will continue to focus on streamlining and refining our applications and how they look and feel.
Our marketing
In the coming months, we expect that you will see a lot more of us in the online space. You will also notice that we’ll be getting a lot more talkative. Thought leadership pieces, comment and insight on industry trends, plus how-tos and guides on how you can improve and impact the learning experience at your organisation, will all feature on our corporate blog right here on our website. We invite you to comment and share in this.
Be part of our growth
As we list on the Australian Securities Exchange, we are excited to be in a position to grow our business to the next stage of its development and be able to better serve our partners and clients. See our corporate governance documents and download our prospectus on our Investor Relations page.
Want to learn more about our tailored solutions?
Chat to one of our assessment or learning consultants today.
or call us on 1300 857 687 (Australia) or +61 2 6652 9850 (International)