Looking to reshape assessment or learning at your organisation?Be among these forward-thinkers who have

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Digitising NAPLAN: The transformation of Australia’s national assessment program

Eight jurisdictions, states and territories, plus the Commonwealth, alongside individual schools across Australia, joined a seven-year partnership with Janison to transition NAPLAN from traditional pen-and-paper to a digital exam. In doing so, this remarkable project ensured a crucial teaching tool is now logistically accessible to schools nationwide, can adapt to individual learning styles and aptitudes, and is delivered in a relatable way for students.

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How NSW Department of Education set the academic health-check standard for schools

The pandemic’s disruptions to periodic assessments, including the cancellation of NAPLAN Online in 2020, meant that teachers were in the dark about the extent of their students’ learning loss. The NSW Department of Education’s Check-in assessment identified learning gaps for schoolchildren who had had their schooling disrupted and continues to earn national attention for its success.

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How instructional design was the key to Centennial College’s education continuity during the pandemic

The 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns set in motion a wave of digital innovation for Centennial College, Toronto, as it translated its famously hands-on learning experiences into a digital medium, created through tightly coordinated instructional design and visual development.

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Australian Science Innovations continues to discover and nurture young creative scientific minds amid the COVID-19 crisis

Australian Science Innovations fosters the next generation of scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians by offering the annual Big Science Competition to tens of thousands of high school students. In 2020, amid COVID-19 school closures, it’s forging ahead by delivering the competition remotely online, offering a beacon of normality and opportunity for young people during uncertain times.

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Transport for NSW transforms driver licence knowledge tests across the state

Technology is transforming the way Transport for NSW offers its driver licence knowledge tests to the public, via remotely managed Chromebooks. The platform brings test questions to life, speeds up and expands the delivery process, and helps the department achieve its road safety targets.

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DonateLife’s LMS helps staff boost organ donation nationwide

The Organ and Tissue Authority delivers specialised training to health professionals who support grieving families in hospital to make the live-saving choice of organ donation. The Janison Academy platform allows the organisation to make learning modules on these highly sensitive skills available to teams working across the country, making a critical impact on donation rates.

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An online literacy and numeracy exam that paves the way to success for NSW Year 7 students

The Best Start Year 7 exam is becoming a case study for education departments across Australia. Using tools that are unique to online assessment, it quickly identifies students at risk of falling behind and pinpoints what teaching support they need at a crucial juncture in their schooling.

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British Council takes its English language testing beyond borders

Thanks to the power of unshakable remote online technology, candidates in the most remote parts of the world can access an exam that opens life-changing opportunities.

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Primary Ethics uses the power of Janison Academy to equip communities statewide to deliver ethics skills to school children

Primary Ethics is a NSW not-for-profit organisation that trains volunteers to deliver ethics classes to children in primary schools across the state, working in conjunction with the NSW Department of Education.

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The NSW Department of Education re-engages Year 6, 8 and 10 science students with its VALID online test

The NSW Department of Education broke new ground in 2010 when it shifted its annual Year 6, 8 and 10 science test from paper to online. At the time, delivering a large-scale online school assessment was unprecedented. Janison Insights successfully did so – and transformed the test into an engaging experience that students actually look forward to.

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