
Advanced marking tools on the Janison Insights platform offer you the ability to manage all levels of marking, from workflow to quality control.

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Marking modes

Janison Insights offers a range of marking modes to suit your needs – including full support for paper marking.


Auto-marking tools offer unparalleled turnaround speeds for candidates’ results. The Janison Insights auto-marking functionality marks items as soon as the student moves to the next question. It calculates scores immediately upon the invigilator finalising the test session.

Semi-auto marking

Get the best of both worlds by combining auto marking within tests that also pose questions more suitable for manual marking. Janison Insights offers the ability to use both marking modes within the same test.

Paper marking

Get full feature support to mark suitable tests on paper in situations where you prefer not to use digital marking. Export candidates’ responses to a Word document which you can download, print and distribute to your markers.

Manual marking

Assign a marking team to manually mark responses question by question. Two modes of manual marking are available and can be configured per question.

Discrete marking

Use the discrete marking tool to assign scores within specific parts of student scripts, such as steps in a mathematical equation, or correct observations within a science question. Hover over the script and place marks in the relevant position within the response.

Holistic marking

Offer your marking team the flexibility to award scores holistically within students’ responses. The holistic marking tool allows a mark to be given to components based on the entire student script rather than to specified areas of a candidate’s response.

Managing marking and teams

Use Janison Insights to form marking teams to mark a number of marking projects for a certain module. Teams typically consists of chief markers, senior markers and markers.

Work allocation tools allow you to assign specific individual questions to teams or markers. For example, team A may be responsible for marking question 1-10, while team B is responsible for marking questions 10-20.

Markers can access tools such as the ability to escalate a candidate’s response to a senior marker. The senior marker can then see this action on their dashboard and respond to the marker or add their own score.

Digital Marking

We have much better visibility of post-exam processes now. Less work for marking staff, zero handling and counting of papers, and less prone to error on transfer of marks.

– University client

We have much better visibility of post-exam processes now. Less work for marking staff, zero handling and counting of papers, and less prone to error on transfer of marks.

– University client

Quality controls

Ensure fairness with real-time quality checks on marking teams using standardisation, sampling and blind-quality monitoring.


Use the quality control features to standardise your markers’ work, ensuring fair and equitable marking during examinations, particularly high-stakes assessments. These features allow chief markers to monitor the work of individual markers in real-time.

Double Marking

Configure your marking project to allow for double marking – the ability to score a single student script more than once. When there is a conflict between markers’ scores, a senior marker can either accept one of the scores or override with their own mark.

Blind Quality Monitoring

Ensure consistent marker quality by using blind quality monitoring (BQM). This randomly presents a marker with a standardised student response, then monitors for any marking discrepancies. Chief markers can view how a marker is tracking against the monitoring.

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eLearning and online assessment solutions